4 Times Doctor Who Mimicked Classic Mythology

It's not so far from the truth.

By Alexa Baczak /

Over its 51 year history, Doctor Who has had multiple storylines in which the Doctor was inserted into the realms of real life mythology. Like River Song herself states in Series 5's The Pandorica Opens; "I hate good wizards in stories. They all turn out to be him". But not every storyline in Doctor Who has been original. More often than not, aspects of mythology leaks out on to the pages of Doctor Who in new and unique ways. In fact, Doctor Who is a master of given old mythological traditions a fresh timey-wimey twist. For terms of reference, the term 'mythology' refers to most western types of mythology, including well known myths. As such, the Aztecs episode, for example, has not been included on this list, despite the fact it depicted Aztec beliefs extremely well. Classical mythology especially includes Greek myths, though there is a mention of Noah's Ark that made the list. With that in mind, here are a few of the more memorable episodes in which Doctor Who mimicked classic stories or themes in mythology and gave them the unique spin that only Doctor Who can provide. Let's star with the blatantly obvious!
