5 Best Geek Food Shows On TV Right Now

By Matt Aspin /

Food glorious food. We can't live without it. But it gets pretty tiresome when the only thing you know how to make is a crisp sandwich, right? Well why not turn on your TV for a little inspiration? We know what you're thinking - 99% of TV cookery shows are boring and either feature some old hag who was probably alive when the first loaf of bread was ever baked, some big lipped cock-er-nee named Jamie who spits more than he cooks or some wrinkly faced man with an impressive vocabulary consisting entirely of swear words. But worry no more you hungry buggers. What Culture has done you yet another solid and brought you 5 of the best cookery shows out there that are sure to give you the inspiration you need. Not only that but this list contains the 5 best geeky food shows out there which means they are way cooler than the usual drivel the BBC has to offer on a Saturday morning. Thank Heaven for small mercies. So if you're tummy is rumbling then we'd suggest you crack on and hit next to find out which geek food shows you need to be watching. But before that why not take a look at a fantastic example of how NOT to make a food show.