5 Best Geek Food Shows On TV Right Now

5. Bizarre Foods

Bizarre Foods TV Show How often have you been somewhere with your family or friends and come across some strange cuisine that you've all been equally repulsed by? And how often have you all dared one another to eat or drink the offending item/s to prove how much of a man you truly are. That's pretty much the premise of Andrew Zimmern's hit cookery show Bizarre Foods except Zimmern is that one friend we all have who's bonkers enough to eat and drink anything without really batting an eyelid. The show debuted in the States back in 2007 and focuses entirely on the types of food most American citizens consider bizarre, disgusting and just plain weird. In each episode Zimmern focuses on the cuisine of a particular country or region showing how the food is procured, where it is served, and, usually without even a hint of hesitation, eats it. Queue vomit noises. Over six seasons Zimmern has eaten the still beating heart of a frog, steamed sheep's head, penis, armadillo, moose nose and chicken uterus. How many of the dishes listed would you want to try? Here's a video of the man himself at work:

Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.