5 Star Trek Gadgets That Would Make Real Life So Much Easier

By Jill Wronski /

From its television premiere in the '60s to J.J. Abram's most recent reboot, Star Trek has remained a defining cultural and technological force. Not only did the show promote acceptance by casting a highly diverse crew, but it also offered viewers a sneak peek into the future of modern-day devices. In the past few decades, the science behind many of Star Trek€™s inventions has slowly entered into the realm of possibility. Starfleet communicators have become cell-phones. PADDs have become iPads. Universal translator? There€™s an app for that. How easy it€™s become to connect with each other and the world in a few minutes. And, despite all these advancements, there are still some Star Trek gadgets that modern-day technology hasn€™t yet matched. Will we one day be yelling, "Beam me up, Scotty"? Will our cars be able to reach warp speed? Let€™s take a look at the top five Star Trek devices that would make life even simpler.