5 Star Trek Gadgets That Would Make Real Life So Much Easier

5. Replicator

replicator-thesearethevoyages World hunger and poverty might very well be resolved if there were such things as replicators. In the Star Trek universe, a replicator is a machine able to duplicate food, drink, clothing, energy, and anything else you can think of. It essentially beams another version of the object into existence (see number 1 for issues with this technology). Imagine how replicators could feed and clothe entire nations! On a lesser scale, it could simplify home life. Too busy to cook? Pop in a salad and feed your entire family. Like your friend's Gucci bag, but can't afford one yourself? Borrow it for a few minutes and materialize your very own. Mass food replication might not be too far off, as UK scientists have recently grown hamburger meat using stem cells from a cow.
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Jill is a freelance editor and writer. She has an MFA in Creative Writing and is looking to pursue a career in publishing. She loves pop culture and film and dreams one day one of her stories will be adapted for the big screen.