6 Alternative Musicals For People Who Don't Like Musicals

By Baz Greenland /

DrHorriblesSing-AlongBlog021 Musicals are an acquired taste. Like any genre you are going to have audiences that love them and those that can't stand them. I personally hate Westerns. I don't get them. They bore me rigid. Watching The Searchers felt like the longest 78 hours of my life. When it comes to the 'golden age' of musicals with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers I can appreciate the massive amount of time spent on costume and lighting to bring spectacular dances sequences to stage, but I've never felt the desire to sit through a whole film. For me the big singing numbers break from what is happening on screen in such a way that I can't get absorbed. Off the top of my head I can only think of two musicals that I actually watched and enjoyed. One was West Side Story. There are a lot of catchy songs and I appreciate the innovative adaption of the Romeo & Juliet story line - but any take on a Shakespearian tale is always going to get my attention. The other was Grease. Everyone has seen Grease. I've even seen the stage show. And don't deny that the moment I mention "Grease Lightning" it won't stay in your head for the rest of the day! But on the whole, enjoying musicals has been a rare experience. Big, glossy musicals...they feel false. I'm all for escapism but I find the songs jarring from the reality of the scene. And yet, something has happened in recent years that almost contradicts my standpoint. I've watched musical numbers in TV shows and films and loved them. In fact I sometimes find myself looking forward to them. And you know what? I think people who don't like 'musicals' might like them too. Why? Because they do something clever with the genre, creating something so unexpected that you can't help but enjoy it. So let me take you on a little journey through six of the best 'alternative' musicals that you might just enjoy! Maybe they can change your mind too.