6 Crazy Problems Created By Crisis On Infinite Earths
CW's Crisis on Infinite Earths has left some crazy problems to be addressed.

Crisis on Infinite Earths was perhaps the most massive and ambitious crossover in television history. The world was treated to Easter eggs and surprise cameos from every corner of live action DC canon. But now that this event is in the rear view mirror and some of the shock has finally worn off, it's time for the confusion to set in.
Confusion, because the audience now has a chance to reflect on the implications of folding three independent settings into one universe. With Black Lightning, Supergirl and the Earth 1 shows now all taking place on Earth Prime, a big can of worms has been spilled all over the Arrowverse's continuity.
It's fair to say that viewers have been left with a lot of questions, and now they're begging for answers. Listed here are a number of the narrative problems that have presented themselves, as the relatively straightforward continuity of the Arrowverse has become entangled in a complicated knot of apparent contradictions and breaks in logic.
So let's take a look at the madness that has become the Arrowverse, and the crazy problems that can be created by such a sudden and overreaching shift in continuity.
6. What The Heck Is Up With Earth 2?

Earth 2 now looks completely different and is home to the JSA. How much of the Earth 2 history that we know from Season 2 of The Flash onward still happened? The Zoom arc was a pivotal point in the series, introducing several major characters while killing off others.
The Earth 2 we see at the end of Crisis presents the problem of looking nothing like the version of that reality we've come to know and being populated by the JSA. Can the events with Zoom still have happened in a world with the Justice Society and if they didn't happen, then who the hell killed Barry's dad?
We also have the question of the Earth 1 JSA introduced in Legends of Tomorrow. Did they still exist in Earth Prime's past or were they ported over to present day Earth 2? If that's the case, do the Legends just not remember Vixen? Maybe their timeline is screwy enough that none of this will effect them.