7 Late Introduced TV Characters Who Totally Stole The Show

The Best Was Yet To Come.

By Matt N /

Sometimes a TV series just needs somebody more, somebody that may not be a main character but somebody that really adds to the ambience of the show. First seasons are always a building block a rock for the show to establish itself and push off of, because of that sometimes the best characters don't always arrive until later seasons.


So many shows have had characters introduced after the first season that completely changed the way that the audience interacted or saw the show, not all of them in a good way either.

Some shows have huge first seasons only to falter at the second hurdle because they tried too much too soon. However, on other occasions the gentle building up of a series, the brick by brick approach that eventually ends up a skyscraper, really connects with fans and gives a myriad of fresh characters to chew upon and see who survives the 'fan test'. Who is popular and who isn't.

Well, we have looked over some of our favourite series and picked out the ones we thought were the best late additions to great shows.

7. Lalo Salamanca - Better Call Saul 

Lalo Salamanca was a very late addition to Better Call Saul. Appearing 4 seasons in when we knew that he wouldn't be making it into Breaking Bad, this was a bold call by Peter Gould and Vince Gilligan who must have understood the cost of getting a decision like this wrong.


Hector Salamanca was a massively popular character in Breaking Bad and to see how he ended up in a wheelchair was one of the biggest questions facing the show when he was first announced to be coming back. Instead of drawing out Hector's stroke until the end of the run, they pulled his plug just over halfway through and gave themselves a power vacuum to fill.

Step up to the plate Tony Dalton. As Lalo Salamanca he is just fun to see, whether that be brutally killing people with zero remorse, or using his charm and suave to bring people into his orbit.

Tony Dalton does a great job at filling the shoes left by Mark Margolis's Hector and gave the show a fresh bad guy that everybody loves. Knowing that he will probably not survive season 6 is half the fun of seeing just how Lalo will be brought down.
