7 Reasons Why Girls Season 3 Is Already Better Than Season 2

The characters are in different places, the storylines tangle and twist, and the humour is back as good as ever, plus much more.

By Thomas Stewart /

Did you ever stop and think: where did Girls go? Created by Lena Dunham, the first season boomed onto the screens in April of 2012, receiving positive reviews and a demand for season two. Dunham obliged and by January of 2013, the second season with its sharp dialogue and awkward comedy came to us again. Then, we were left with nothing. A void needing to be filled. It was announced that Christopher Abbott (who played Marnie's boyfriend, Charlie) wasn't going to be returning for season three which was more than frustrating as his character had just rekindled his love for Marnie. Dunham went into a state of re-writing, reviewing her plotlines and re-filming, which made us have to wait. And we'd have to wait for ten months. In that time we re-watched, we exchanged our favourite quotes, we waited eagerly with a pressing patience. Then, on January 12th, Girls season three came running at us like a long lost friend and we were happy to be reunited. We were so happy that we realised just how good season three was and that it is, in fact, already better than season two. Season two had a significantly different tone from season one. Season one was laugh-out-loud - the realism was hidden around jokes and re-buffed comments. Season two, however, had a much more serious tone. If we look at Patrick Wilson's appearance in the episode 'One Man's Trash', the twenty-five minutes is all about Hannah (Dunham) realising how lonely she is. In its own way, it's a coming-of-age episode. It's emotional and demanding, there's very little humour. Not to say that this is bad - Dunham is an incredible writer - but season two lacked the laugh-out-loud moments that made us fall in love with it in the first place. Enter season three and the show is back to its season one self. This isn't to say that the show hasn't grown and progressed, it has. The characters are in different places, the storylines tangle and twist, and the humour is back as good as ever. But these aren't just the only reasons why season three is better than season two. In order of importance, here are the seven reasons why.