8 Bizarre TV Pilots That Were Doomed To Fail

Here's an idea: What if Hitler lived next to a Jewish couple?

By Brian Wilson /

Television pilots are important. They're used by networks in order to assess the financial merits of a concept. A good pilot has the power to spawn a potentially brilliant new TV series. A bad one can sink a show before it ever gets a chance to breathe. Over the years there have been tons of terrible TV pilots. Take How I Met Your Dad, for example, a female spin-off of How I Met Your Mother. Or what about the American version of Graham Linehan's brilliant The IT Crowd? That was a pilot so humourless it managed to destroy an already tried and tested concept. But the history of television has proved difficult to predict. Who would have thought there'd be such huge audiences for surreal shows like Twin Peaks or Tim And Eric? Or that a show about a man who time travels in a blue police box would become so ridiculously popular? There are plenty of valid reasons to pitch outlandish television shows to networks, but sometimes creators don't get it right. Often €“ like in these instances €“ they get it very, very wrong...