8 Doctor Who Fan Theories That Became Fact

The Doctor is hiding more secrets than you realise...

By Danny Meegan /

Where there's a beloved property, there are fan theories, and Doctor Who is obviously no exception. With such a long history - and a vast canon that spans novels, comics, and audio dramas - there's so much material for fans to dissect, and countless foundations off which they can build their theories.


However, the reality is that the majority of these theories will end up being wrong, as evidenced by some of the truly crazy ones we've seen over the years (remember when people thought Rory Williams was secretly the Master?). But then again, getting all wacky and crazy is what makes the guessing game so fun!

On some occasions though, fan theories don't miss the mark. Sometimes, they hit the nail right on the head with their predictions, whether they correctly guess a plot twist that occurs later in the series, or, in much rarer cases, even have their theories adopted by the people in charge of the show.

Doctor Who regularly deals with the infinite possibilities of the universe, so it seems fitting that the fans are correct some of the time, right?

8. The Doctor's Jacket WASN'T A Mistake

The twisty-turny nature of Steven Moffat's series arcs inspired a feverish level of fan debate and speculation, and this was at its peak during the complex, timey-wimey, universe-destroying shenanigans of Series 5.


In the middle of the series - in the episode Flesh And Stone - there's a seemingly out-of-place scene where the Eleventh Doctor shows up sporting his signature tweed jacket, despite having lost it to the Weeping Angels literally moments before.

Because the shot seemed to be trying to hide the fact that Smith was wearing a jacket (by using an extreme close-up, with his clothing barely visible), there were cries from within the fanbase that the Doctor Who team had made a mistake, and that this was simply a continuity error.

However, those who were obsessively trying to figure out Moffat's long-term gameplan theorised that, no, this wasn't a mistake - it was a clue! And the reason the Doctor magically had his jacket on was because this Doctor... was from the future!

This was an extremely popular theory at the time, and even though it had a crackpot whiff about it, those who subscribed to the theory were able to claim their bragging rights at the end of the series, when the jacket-wearing Doctor travelled back along his own timeline... and ended up in this exact scene from Flesh And Stone.
