8 Reasons Reading 'The Last Best Hope' Is Essential To Understand Star Trek Picard

There's a whole universe to explore beyond what's shown on screen...

By Sean Ferrick /

Star Trek Picard: The Last Best Hope by Una McCormack is more than just a tie-in novel to the series. It explains in detail the actual happenings of the Romulan relief effort and the trials of Picard, Raffi and a host of other characters.


It manages to depict the fact that, for all of his fantastic speech making, Picard may have been morally correct in his actions to help, but there are far larger political ramifications to his actions - something not often seen in Star Trek. It is suggested that there was defiance from the beginning from the Romulan government, a topic explored in greater depth in this novel.

The separate points below spread further light on some of the topics that the show has raised so far. Why was Vashti considered so important in Absolute Candor? Who created the A500 Androids that helped run Mars? What happened to Raffi to affect her so greatly? And finally, who else was involved in the mission, beyond the people we have seen in the show.

While many of these questions have been answered, there are still mysteries to discover as the show moves forward and each episode is bringing new revelations to bear. However, for the time being, The Last Best Hope delivers a full backstory that is necessary to fully appreciate Star Trek Picard.

8. Why Did Picard Quit?

Picard was quite literally thrown into the deep end by Admiral Victor Bordson, the predecessor of Admiral Clancy as Commander-and-Chief of Starfleet. The day that Picard quits is depicted in the episode The End is the Beginning. However, this is not just a snap judgement that either Picard or the Starfleet council make.


For years, Picard has been trying to work with the Romulans to evacuate the affected zones in their territory. He has had to put up with interference both within and outside the Empire, frequently finding himself at odds with all around him. Raffi is a great help to him during this time but he increasingly finds himself alone and on the outs with Starfleet. He and Clancy rarely see eye to eye on the mission as she has to deal with the political ramifications of helping the Romulans and their relationship turns professionally sour before the final day.

Once the attack on Mars obliterates the fleet that Starfleet had been building, the fallout for Picard is not just professional. Initially, no one can raise LaForge, who had been made head of the engineering side of the operation. While the ship makes its way to Mars at full speed, the hopes of the rescue mission burn with the gases of the planet.

With that last day, the years of failures, in-fighting and political strife finally overcome the mission and, while it is Picard who issues the ultimatum, there is little doubt walking into the room that his career in Starfleet is about to end.
