8 Worst TV Shows Starring Doctor Who Actors

Is there a 'delete' button on IMDb?

By Dan Butler /

Doctor Who stars have it easy. They step aboard the TARDIS to become a guaranteed honorary household name for their respective portrayal of the Doctor or his coveted companion. They're bound to win a legion of devoted fans along the way, and that's not to mention an abundance of prestigious accolades, but the hard part is always what happens next. Leaving the safety of Saturday night's primetime drama isn't a decision that should be taken lightly. For those that do decide to take the leap, however, escaping the persistent shadow of their former sci-fi shenanigans is a task that's generally easier said than done. Not only do they have to establish themselves in different TV shows, but they also have to come to terms with the fact that they've probably only been cast in said TV shows because of their amicable association with Doctor Who anyway. Sometimes, the shows suck. It's not necessarily their fault, of course, but today's televisual market is so competitive that it's always going to result in more casualties than success stories. With that in mind, here are just 8 of the worst TV shows that starred your favourite Doctor Who actors. Some started off well before fizzling into the forgotten realms of Shows That Never Happened, while others were so bad that they didn't even make it past the pilot. And, admittedly, most of them starred Freema Agyeman. Make of that what you will.