9 Game Of Thrones Characters Who Need Spin-Off Shows

There are many further exciting possibilities to right some wrongs in the Game of Thrones world.

By Mark Bates /

After the fan backlash following the perceived rushed closure and dip in quality at the end of Game of Thrones, it is fair to say that HBO’s House of The Dragon has been an undoubted success. This is the first televised spin-off we have seen from the fantasy series, and in an age of the sprawling Star Wars, Marvel and DC Universe’s, it is fair to say that the audience’s appetite for further exploration of a beloved world is strong.


And clearly so is the appetite of Game of Thrones creator George R.R. Martin, although seemingly unable to commit the time to finishing his fantasy novel series, A Song of Ice and Fire (in which Game of Thrones was based), he seems more than happy to dip into the past of Westeros, with his clear passion shown for telling the historical story of the Targaryen’s, that we are currently enjoying on our screens.

He also seems open to the idea of further exploring characters and lands within his fantasy world, and here are a bunch of spin off ideas for characters that we certainly wouldn’t mind watching :

8. Robert Baratheon & Ned Stark

Season One of Game of Thrones stuck faithfully to George R.R Martin’s first novel in the series, superbly setting up the opus that was to follow. But neither of the main characters in the story, King Robert Baratheon or Ned Stark would make it to Season Two. This was the end of their tale, setting up the conflicts to come.


Their real story came 17 years earlier when Ned rode south to join Robert's Rebellion, as the two houses joined forces with House Lannister and their mentor Jon Arryn to overthrow the Targaryen dynasty, which by this point was under control of the Mad King Aerys. A series showing both Robert and Ned as younger men, orchestrating the uprising and war that would see Robert ascend the Iron Throne would be a treat for fans, as the battles were often spoken about and hold a legendary status in the show.

These were two warriors past their prime when we met them, but with one of the richest and heroic back stories that could be explored. The prequel would also allow for another beloved character’s younger days to be shown, Jaime Lannister, who would become to be known as the King Slayer after he delivered the fatal blow to the Mad King in his throne room. This would be the ultimate Game of Thrones backstory, and although it may well come at the finale of House of the Dragon, it would also unquestionably be deserving of its own series.
