9 Predictions Based On The Stranger Things Season 3 Trailer

New characters and old adversaries. Cue the months long study of this trailer.

By Dayna Peck /

After months of anticipation, Netflix has finally dropped a trailer for season 3 of Stranger Things. They made it worth the wait with a full two minutes and forty-nine seconds of brand new content and it looks nuts.


One thing the trailer does really well is create excitement for the next season, without giving much away. We know that it'll be summer instead of the traditional Halloween, we know that the kids are growing up, and we know that Steve has a summer job at the mall. Most else is still up in the air.

The most exciting scenes of the trailer are towards the end, but they are cut so quickly that if you blink at the wrong moment you may miss them entirely. It's almost like Netflix knows that its most die hard fans will be watching the trailer in slow motion and/or pausing every second to look for clues. That is how you know the trailer was well-crafted, because doing that, it's hard to get a true picture of season three's plot.

Unlike many of today's adaptation series and films, Stranger Things has no source content for fans to draw their predictions from either. All we have to dissect is the trailer and by the look of it, anything could happen in Hawkins this summer...

9. The New Mall Is Built Over The Old Site Of The Hawkins National Laboratory

This may sound like a stretch, but upon repeated re-watching of the trailer it starts to make quite a bit of sense. Last season saw the end of the lab, after they admitted to having a hand in Barb's death.


So when you think about it, what's the best way to repurpose a large space such as a lab, ensure people quickly forget what used to be there, and most importantly what was going on behind its doors? How about knocking it down and using the foundation to build a huge mall?

As is evidenced in the trailer by the picket line of Hawkins citizens protesting the development, the mall is a new addition to the community. It's the perfect way for the government to slap a bandage over the haemorrhaging issue that is Hawkins, Indiana.

The trailer also promises that a pretty significant showdown will take place at the mall, featuring a majority of the cast versus a mutant, bloody looking Demogorgan. Let's hope the mall has insurance that covers mutant, other-worldly monster attacks.
