9 Things That Must Happen In The New Series Of Torchwood

Is 2015 when everything finally changes?

By Dan Butler /

It's the news that Torchwood fans across the land have been waiting for. The popular Doctor Who spin off will finally be returning, albeit in audio form, almost 4 years since it last appeared on our screens. Hurrah! It certainly is exciting to have confirmation that Captain Jack will be back with an almighty vengeance and all that's been announced thus far is that he'll be returning in September 2015 in The Conspiracy, the first instalment of a new 6 part story exploring the impact that a mysterious event has on the alien busting team. But just who will the team consist of this time round? It's gone through many changes over the years and further casting details are still to be revealed which means that all fans can do is speculate about what the future of Torchwood will have to offer now that it's under the reputable realms of Big Finish. Luckily, speculating is something that Torchwood fans can do very well! Torchwood creator Russell T Davies has affirmed that the show is now "going home" which could mean that it's heading back to Cardiff or, as always, something else entirely. Here are 9 things that must happen in the new audio series of Torchwood. After the mixed response to Miracle Day, will 2015 be the year when everything changes? Only time will tell...
