9 Things You Learn Rewatching Game Of Thrones Season 8

Winter has come, winter has gone, but does the final season still feel cold?

By Matthew Allen /

Game of Thrones came to an end this time last year, and it's fair to say the reaction was mixed from the fanbase and critics alike. No-one seems to agree on it but it's certainly got the fanbase talking like no other season before it.


Thrones truly was game-changing. Not just in terms of fantasy, but television in general, pushing the envelope in many places in terms of violence, censorship and above all, storytelling. And as a wise man once said "there's nothing in the world more powerful than a good story". While it may have faltered in some places, Thrones will remain one of the best stories ever told.

Season 8 may have divided people when it came out but now that the dust has settled and everyone's had a year to let it sink in, the time has come to look back with objective eyes and see what the final season has given us. Were we right to be angry? Did the game end with the right people winning?

Here's 9 things we learnt one year on.

9. The final moments end the show perfectly

Two very big stories came to a conclusive finish in 2019. One was Game of Thrones, the other was Star Wars. Both had their ups and downs, and both finales had very similar issues, in that everything felt rushed. By the end however, everything is wrapped up perfectly.


Say what you will about the pacing of season 8, the final 10-15 minutes are well worth the wait, bringing characters we've watched grow for 10 years to the end of their journeys in thoroughly satisfying ways. Brienne of Tarth is Captain of the Kings Guard and gives the man she loved the tribute he deserves, Tyrion is in the position he knows best, and Podrick got a knighthood.

The Stark children montage though is beautiful, a fitting final image for the show to go out on, with Arya off travelling the world, Sansa taking her rightful place as Queen of the North, and Jon being reunited with the Freefolk and Ghost.

It's not how you start, it's how you finish. And what a finish!
