Agents Of Shield: 5 Ways To Improve The Show

By Max Dickey /


As the third episode of ABC€™s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. approaches, we are now beginning to get a better grasp of what the show is all about.It has introduced us to its characters, world, and tone. By and large, the show has been a great ratings success for the network, but is it really the revolutionary link between television and film many hoped it would be? The premiere has been met by a mostly positive fan reaction, but there are still a few kinks needed to be worked out before the show becomes a true success.


So with that in mind, here are five ways to improve a promising show.

5. Diversify The Cast

While Marvel fans rejoiced when the show runners revealed that Clark Gregg€™s Agent Coulson would return from the dead to lead the team on the show, the rest of the cast hasn€™t yet shown much promise. Gregg can€™t hold it together solely on his own, despite the considerable wit and charm in his performance.


Not that they€™re doing a terrible job, but the rest of the cast of S.H.I.E.L.D. is incredibly generic. Brett Dalton€™s black ops agent Grant Ward is a standard no-nonsense tough guy with little personality. Chloe Bennet€™s Skye is the early frontrunner for most intriguing non-Coulson member of the cast due to her mysterious ties with the organization Rising Tide, but the show needs to continue to develop her. The science officers of the team, Fitz and Simmons, played by Ian De Caestecker and Elizabeth Henstridge respectively, are so far a major hindrance to the show. Not so cleverly referred to as one entity called €œFitzsimmons,€ they€™re supposed to portray some of S.H.I.E.L.D.€™s brightest minds, but so far they haven€™t done much except espouse narrative information and argue obnoxiously.

The only multicultural representative on the team, Melinda May, played by Ming-na Wen, barely speaks at all and her sole characteristic seems to be that she has a knack for knocking people unconscious. Joss Whedon-produced shows tend to have strong female characters, so hopefully he will hop on board and give her more of the personality she deserves.


As of now, the show has one established likable character, three boring/obnoxious characters, and two that haven€™t been developed yet. The show is in its infancy, so there€™s plenty of opportunity to bring in a more diverse cast and develop the characters we have, but if it stays down its current path, it could turn into a Walking Dead-like situation. Annoying characters nobody likes taking up way too much screen time.
