Agents Of SHIELD Season 7: Ranking Each Character By How Likely They Are To Die

Who will be the next agent to fall?

By Richard Kraus /

Agents of SHIELD is coming to a close. The superhero, spy, and sci-fi series is set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which basically means they get to say "Iron Man" every so often, since there's no way Kevin Feige would ever actually let them cross over. Currently on its seventh season, Agents of SHIELD just has five more episodes to wrap up its ongoing story.


The show still has some major questions to answer in its few remaining episodes, such as where Fitz is and what has he been up to, how the team can defeat the evil Chronicoms and set the timeline back to normal, and which of the titular agents will make it out alive.

Though it's never been a Game of Thrones-esq bloodbath, Agents of SHIELD established itself fairly early on as a show that doesn't have any problems killing off its characters. Major players such as Trip, Ward, Lincoln, Mace, and Radcliffe have all fallen in seasons past. With Season 7 not having to worry about Season 8, no one is safe, and any character could easily die in the coming episodes.

Here is every Agents of SHIELD character ranked from least to most likely to die in the last few episodes of Season 7.

10. Leo Fitz

Though it's had some great moments so far, Season 7 has suffered from a lack of Fitz. Due to scheduling conflicts with actor Iain De Caestecker, the more monkey-obsessed half of Fitzsimmons has yet to even show up eight episodes in.


That said, we know from the season's poster and a livestream with Simmons actress Elizabeth Henstridge that Fitz will eventually show up in these next five episodes, and he should be relatively safe. It wouldn't make sense to wait so long to bring him back just to kill him off right away.

Plus, Fitz already died in what was supposed to be the series finale. In Season 5's The End, Fitz is struck down by debris in a falling building. However, the series was unexpectedly renewed, and Season 6 saw the team head into deep space to revive a Fitz who cryogenically froze himself at the beginning of Season 5. (Time travel is confusing.)

Agents of SHIELD already ended with an out-of-nowhere Fitz death once before, so it wouldn't make sense for it to end that way again.
