Agents Of SHIELD Season 7: Ranking Each Character By How Likely They Are To Die

9. Daisy "Skye" Johnson/Quake

Agents of SHIELD Season 7

Chloe Bennet's character has been called lots of different names throughout the seasons, including "Skye," "Daisy Johnson," "Quake," "Tremors," and "The Destroyer of Worlds." One name she most likely won't go by at the end of the season is "Daisy Johnson, of blessed memory."

Though the show is about the Agents of SHIELD, Daisy is the closest thing the series has to a single protagonist. Her story has followed the hero's journey closer than anyone else, and that rarely ends in death.

Additionally, though this is the final season of Agents of SHIELD, that doesn't necessarily mean this is the last time we'll see any of the characters. They live in the same universe as the Avengers, so any survivors could pop up in Avengers 5, or other MCU properties. Since she's the only Agents of SHIELD character based on a prominent superhero from the comics, it wouldn't make sense to kill her now before she could spin off.


Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.