Almost Human: 5 New Technologies And Developments In 'Blood Brothers'

By James Garcia /

In its fifth week, Almost Human continues its trend of balancing gripping story lines with strong character moments; delivering another entertaining episode that once again expands the series' scope while introducing audiences to new, interesting technologies. However, as good as 'Blood Brothers' was, it was slightly plagued by the series' lack of an over-arching serialized story; which hasn't been much of a problem thus far, but will soon become one if the writers don't start building something on the foundation they've built. So far, the series has been highly episodic and self-contained. The core characters obviously remain the same, but their relationships are the only real link between the events that have transpired in the show so far, with each new episode focusing on a standalone crime or investigation which is solved by the time the credits role. Though it's a fantastic ride that undoubtedly holds your attention from beginning to end, no episode has quite left us with that "I've gotta watch the next one!" feeling we've become accustomed to in today's binge-watching, stream-centric television climate. Now, with that said, there's no reason to believe that we won't be getting just that in the coming weeks. With people like J.H. Wyman (Fringe) and J.J. Abrams behind the series, you can bet that it will eventually evolve into a very serialized program with a rich, engaging mythology. If it's given the chance, that is. At this point, FOX has been setting the show up as crime-drama first, sci-fi show second. It's doubtful the show will be given as long a leash as Fringe was given, considering that the deeper into its mythology that show got, the fewer viewers kept up with the show from season to season. What they must do now is find a suitable medium. Something to keep general audiences entertained (and, importantly, not confused) from week to week while satisfying the appetites of fans looking for a show to debate, discuss, and theorize about. It was revealed recently that FOX has actually been airing the show out of order, jumping right into episode 5 after the pilot. 'Blood Brothers' is actually episode 8, and next week's episode, 'Arrhythmia,' is episode 3. As for what happened to episodes 2 and 4 remain to be seen. Regardless of where the show may be going or what it may be lacking so far (remember, we're still only five episodes in!), 'Blood Brothers' presented us with a few cool new technological developments to add to the show's already long list of futuristic tech. Here are 5 new things presented in this episode...