Almost Human: 5 New Technologies And Developments In 'Blood Brothers'

5. Holograms

Hologram If Almost Human is successful at one thing, it's seamlessly integrating new technology into each episode that give us a glimpse of how the world has changed in the 35 years between the present day and 2048. Near the start of the episode, we find Captain Maldonado (Lili Taylor) at the trial of Ethan Avery, a genius philanthropist accused of murdering a fertility doctor named Dr. Fuller. The case's two key witnesses are being held in protective custody, and when called to the stand to testify, are presented to the court as holograms. What could have easily been used as a cool visual trick actually comes in handy in the episode's third act. It's also a pretty smart way of getting a key witness on the stand without jeopardizing their safety. Though, as it turns out, the witnesses may have actually been safer in the courtroom than the safe house.

James is a 24 year old writer and filmmaker living in Portland, OR. He attended college for graphic design and writes for various sources on the web about film, television, and entertainment. You can view all of his work on his website,