Are Doctor Who Fans Really Ready For Big Changes?

By StormFly89 /

The airing of the highly anticipated season 7 finale caused huge debate to fire up among Doctor Who fans. While many post and debate over their own theories for the upcoming 50th anniversary episode, many others are ready for the show to go through big changes. Current Doctor, Matt Smith took up the roll of our favorite Time Lord in January 2010. Since then he has held a special place in the hearts of many Whovians. From his first moments on screen, Smith has brought his own unique charm to the roll. Most of the time Smith€™s version of The Doctor seems to blunder through each episode with the innocence and wonder of a child first discovering the world. There are times when Smith provides viewers with a glimpse into deep a well of sorrow as well as the immense age of the Time Lord with one simple look. It€™s no great secret that Smith brings his great acting talent to the roll. Smith€™s reign as The Doctor is quickly coming to an end. By the end of the year we will all be tentatively welcoming a new Doctor into our beloved TARDIS. While many Smith fans are reluctant to let go of their favorite Doctor, many agree it€™s time for a change. Along with Smith, January 2010 also began the reign of a new show runner. Steven Moffat started writing individual episodes for what has become known as €œNew Who.€ Many of his episodes from before his run as head writer are some of the most loved episodes. Action packed episodes like €œThe Empty Child€ and €œBlink€ started what would become a love-hate relationship between Moffat and Who fans. No one can argue that the past three seasons have been a roller-coaster of emotion with more questions being left open-ended then answered. Many Whovians dislike the overly fairytale feel the show has taken on under Moffat. Long-reaching story arcs are becoming a bit exhausting. While it€™s fun to noticed little clues here and there as you re-watch old episodes it doesn€™t make up for the fact that nearly every recent episode feels forced. Throughout season seven, Moffat has clearly used each episode to set the show up for the50th anniversary. While the show needs to progress from episode to episode to remain interesting, I find myself often longing for a return to more stand-alone episodes. With Smith€™s exit from the show, many fans are ready for a new show runner as well. Whovians seem to be ready for a step in another direction. Many long for a show less about romance and the hot, young version of The Doctor and more about friendship, bravery, and sacrifice. There is something amazing about the brilliant, troubled Doctor who travels through time and space fighting for what is right and protecting those who do not have the means to protect themselves. Whovians every where can feel something building. There is change looming on the horizon. Regeneration will quickly bring an end to Smith€™s Doctor and (while not yet official as to when) Moffat€™s run seems to be coming to an end as well. It€™s true that endings bring new beginnings, but what will those beginnings bring? Tension is rising as debates grow ever hotter. What direction should the show take? Who should play the new Doctor? Who should take over for Moffat? While these debates (and more) rage on and on, I can€™t help but wonder if Whovians around the world will truly be ready for change when it finally catches up to us.