Arrested Development: 10 Insane Details You Definitely Missed

Arrested Development is filled with so many great jokes and details.

By Jonathan H. Kantor /

Arrested Development is arguably one of the best television shows ever made, and it has a huge following of fans. One of the reasons the series was and is so beloved comes from the nuance and detail that went into making it flow from one season to the next.


The show is filled with foreshadowing, innuendo, and details so fine, you tend to miss them on a first viewing. Of course, fans don’t just watch a single episode and then move on, never watching it again. They watch it and rewatch it countless times, looking for insane details they missed.

Those details are what made the show stand out, and even though it was canceled before its natural conclusion, the fans’ love for the show brought it back. While years had passed, the writers jumped at the opportunity to keep Arrested Development going, and the transition was (mostly) flawless.

There were so many tiny details throughout its five seasons and 84 episodes that most fans didn’t notice them — even on a rewatch! The craziest of those details are listed here, though they are only a fraction of what made the series such an amazing classic!

10. The Reason G.O.B. Always Rode Around On A Segway

If you sat down to watch the first episode of Arrested Development in 2003 and noticed G.O.B. riding around on a Segway, you wouldn't think much of it. After all, the personal transportation device was introduced only two years before the series first aired, and they were popping up everywhere.


It also made sense to see him riding one because they cost way too much for an average person to buy them, and G.O.B. is anything but an average person. Like most uber-rich people, he's completely out of touch with the common man, as are most of the Bluth family members.

There's another reason he's riding about town on a Segway, and it's one of those things that most people didn't pick up on while watching the show. Every time you see him on a Segway, he rides up to someone in the middle of a conversation and changes the subject.

It's one of those things you don't notice, but once you see it, it's impossible to miss. Each time G.O.B. shows up on a segway, he's a plot device that literally segues the conversation from one topic to another. It's one of many double entendres spread throughout the series, though this one is far more literal than most.
