Arrow 150: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

A shocking return suggests an even darker future for Star City.

By Michael Patterson /

The CW

Contains spoilers from Arrow Season 7, Episode 12.


Arrow took us on a trip down memory lane in its latest installment as the show celebrated its 150th episode. The milestone episode revolved around a fictional documentary, titled 'Emerald Archer: The Hood And The Rise Of Vigilantism', that was filmed in order to give the residents of Star City a fly-on-the-wall look at the life of Green Arrow himself, Oliver Queen, while also taking a look back at the impact that vigilantes have had over the previous six years.

A departure from its usual format, 'Emerald Archer' used this device to not only reflect on what came before but to look forward, as the show ushers in a new era where costumed heroes can now operate within the law as duly-deputized agents of the SCPD - with Team Arrow members Wild Dog, Mr. Terrific and Spartan all following in the footsteps of their leader, Oliver.


However, the documentary also ended up playing a major role in the show's storyline as it served as the perfect transition to a flash-forward (the only one in the episode), which saw the mysterious Blackstar and Connor Hawke watching the footage of Oliver in the Arrowcave - a move which inspired them to visit the team's lair and, unfortunately, suggested that things look bleak for Star City's greatest heroes.