Arrow 150: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

3. Things Don't End Well For The Vigilantes

Arrow S7 Arrowcave
The CW

With the vigilante-lore heavy episode, a villain that hunted vigilantes and the continuation of the season's debate on the good and bad aspects of vigilantism, it's no surprise that the episode closed with a glimpse into how history reflected upon these costumed crime-fighters. The surprise, however, was what this reveal meant for the future of the show, and its respective heroes.

Upon entering Team Arrow's former base in 2040, Blackstar and Connor Hawke observed their surroundings. Although the Arrowcave was in a somewhat better condition than it currently is (thanks for that, Ricardo Diaz), it's hardly the shiny bright green workstation that it was between Seasons 4 and 6.

With water leaks, collapsed shelves and an overgrowth of vegetation around them, Connor stated that the placed looked haunted, with Blackstar agreeing as she claimed that vigilantes were the "death of Star City" and got exactly what they deserved.

While we could take those comments literally and look into the fact that, in order to be a ghost one must be dead and thus, all vigilantes are dead and likely haunting the Arrowcave, they do seem to suggest that some terrible fate befell upon the vigilantes and that, despite the fact that the present-day tides are turning, the future is dark (or non-existent) for Star City's heroes.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.