Big Bang Theory Vs. Friends - 8 Key Battles

A character versus character shootout between two of the finest TV comedy shows ever made.

By James Dixon /

When Friends finally threw in the towel in 2004 it left a void in the hearts of comedy lovers around the world. What could possibly replace a show many considered to be irreplaceable? Three years later The Big Bang Theory came along. At first the show was nothing like Friends, featuring a completely different dynamic and altogether different character motivations. Then it changed. In an attempt to appeal more towards the female population who were put off by the geeky nature of the male leads, The Big Bang Theory began to slowly introduce more women to the show in an effort to balance it out. Where Friends had three guys and three girls, TBBT had four guys, three girls, and an occasional love interest for Raj. Everything that fans of the original series liked had changed, but a whole new fan base had been introduced to the show and the ratings remained huge. As The Big Bang Theory continues to become like a modern-day version of Friends, with couples everywhere and split storyline arcs, now seems like as good a time as any to pit the two shows against each other in a battle of characters. Perhaps we can finally settle once and for all which of the two shows is better.