Bob's Burgers: Ranking All The Main Characters From Worst To Best

Which of Bob's Burgers Belcher crew stands above the rest?

By Michael John-Day /

Bob's Burgers is an exceptional show that on paper shouldn't be as good as it is. The quirky animated series about the Belcher family who owns a burger restaurant works around a simple concept, yet has remained incredibly amusing and charming for its eleven season run. It has shown no signs of dipping in quality, and as such seems destined to continue into longevity.


One of the best things about the show is the central family that take the leading roles. Each one has a thoroughly unique personality and style of humour that give them an individual placement within the series. Additionally, the voice actors all suit their roles perfectly and, as such, every character feels utterly appropriate within the animated title.

Ranking these roles from worst to best is one of the most challenging tasks in TV cartoon culture, as every single one has proven to be an extraordinary and crucial part of the humour and narrative of the series. However, by sorting their positions, there is a chance to discuss what makes this incredibly unique cartoon series work so well.

6. Teddy

Teddy - voiced by Larry Murphy - is not a member of the Belcher family, but comes incredibly close to feeling like an honorary one. His style of humour is grounded in blissful ignorance, that also comes across as innocent. This makes him unbelievably loveable and important within the show.


The reason that he ranks lowest comes from the fact that he doesn't have much agency in regards to the narrative of the episodes. Teddy is clearly presented to be a side character, with strong ties to the leading figures. Thanks to this, he is rarely the driving force behind anything.

This works well for the show, as we can see someone from outside the family setting who gets involved in strange antics as well, highlighting that the Belchers are not the only absurd people in this world. Additionally, whenever he does get to take the driving seat for an episode, it feels all the more special.

Sadly, because of his minimal position in the show's hierarchy, he cannot rank higher than the most low-down placement.
