BoJack Horseman Season Six: 10 Best Moments

Back in the '90s, he was in a very famous TV show... but how will it all end for BoJack in 2020?

By Stacey Henley /

The first half of BoJack Horseman’s final season just dropped on Netflix, and it was crammed with up, downs, wild tonal shifts and wonderful animation. With eight episodes instead of the usual ten (though that will mean balancing out with an eventual sixteen), there’s still a lot of great moments to enjoy.


Although, enjoy might be the wrong word. The ups? Certainly, there’s enjoyment to be found in them, and the characters do have some really positive moments this half season. They’re more than matched by downs though: awkward conversations, low ebbs and consequences coming back.

As the show draws to a close, it’s clear that some final arcs are being set up, and despite the show not promising happy endings, you have to feel some of the cast will get them. Just who they’ll be though and how bitter their bittersweets get remains to be seen.

One thing’s for sure: BoJack will always bring the humour, even if it’s wrapped up in some devastating plot points. Things could all go oh so wrong in part two, but there’s been a lot of positivity this season too.

10. Diane Has Depression

Diane can be a divisive figure among the fanbase, but she’s always been there for BoJack and has grown more relatable and likeable in recent seasons. Obviously then, the revelation that she has been diagnosed with depression is not in itself a good thing, but it is the first step to recovery.


A more feel good moment might he that she decides, after a heart to heart with BoJack and prolonged support from Guy, to start taking the medication then. The actual diagnosis is what really starts her on her path to recovery though, so as far as ‘best moments’ go, it has to take it.

Despite not being an upbeat moment, it’s completely fitting with the tone of the show and feels a natural development for Diane. Guy, while being a great... person, doesn’t magically fix her. She still needs to work on herself. It’s endearing that the show isn’t giving her an easy out, despite (potentially) setting up a happy ending.

Quite how her depression, Mr Peanutbutter’s bogus campaign and her book of essays will conclude in part two of the series is still to be revealed, but right now she seems on the road to recovery.
