Breaking Bad: 10 Worst Things Gus Fring Has Ever Done

All of the most heinous acts committed by the head of Los Pollos Hermanos.

By James Metcalfe /

Having made his very first appearance in the show back in episode eleven of season two ("Mandala"), Giancarlo Esposito's Gustavo Fring has become one of Breaking Bad's most infamous characters.


Still one of the best baddies in television history, Gus was the main distributor of narcotics in New Mexico and the southwest of the country over the course of the show, using his various legitimate businesses and outwardly friendly persona as a front for his true criminal dealings.

What separates Gus from most of the other figures Walt, Jesse, Hank and co. come up against is his incredible ability to out-manouver his rivals and hide in plain sight from even the DEA agents close to him.

However, Breaking Bad is a show that hammers home the fact that you don't get to the top without committing some brazen acts, and Gus is shown throughout the series to possesses a cruel and ruthless streak when it comes to preserving his operations or eliminating potential threats. With that in mind, here are 10 of the worst things Gus Fring has ever done in both Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.

10. Using His Business As A Front

Breaking Bad is a show filled with characters using fronts and lies to keep their true dealings hidden from the world, however, no one did a better job in disguise than Gus Fring. But, when this delicate house of cards begins to get pulled down, the ramifications on those unknowingly helping him keep up his philanthropic front were more than severe.


Gus himself said that he was a man who likes to "hide in plain sight", and using his Los Pollos Hermanos business as a way of throwing everyone off his true nature, was as genius as it was cold and calculating. By coming across as a friendly local businessman, Gus was able to not only evade suspicion from the DEA and authorities but even utilise his position to learn more about investigations from his friends in the force.

What some Breaking Bad fans might have missed out on however was that after Fring's death and all of his dealings became public knowledge, all of the workers at Los Pollos Hermanos found themselves unemployed, as well as the DEA's ASAC Merkert who was fired for simply not seeing the truth that Fring had hidden so effectively from everyone for years.
