Breaking Bad: 13 Tie-In Products We'd Love To See

New Venezias pizzas! They'll stick to your roof no matter what the weather!

By Michael Perry /

Earlier this month, Bryan Cranston announced his proposal to pen a memoir of his career thus far, which will allow for particular focus on the actor's time starring in a certain AMC crime drama. Cranston claims that he intends to "tell the stories of my life and reveal the secrets and lies that I lived with for six years shooting Breaking Bad," which sounds wholly tantalising for anybody keen to delve further into the backstory of the show's 62-episode run. Eager fans of the award-winning series and Cranston's other endeavours will apparently have to wait until late 2015 before the star's anecdotes are published by Scribner. However, to tide us over in the meantime, it's worth exhuming the show itself to ponder what other golden tie-ins it could have spawned along the way. Of course, Vince Gilligan's series has been successful enough without heavy reliance on merchandising, but it has offered up such a number of ripe opportunities that we can't help but wonder what could have been made available, given the right marketing. The universe of Breaking Bad is so fully-fledged that it has its own consumer brands (Los Pollos Hermanos, the A1A Car Wash), and its inhabitants are three-dimensional beings, each with their own individual aspirations and motives. From Jesse's origins in "alt-emo-thrash-metal" to Hank's home-brewed brainchild Schraderbräu, many of Walter White's peers have enjoyed pursuing their own passions, and some of these fictional creations seem so intriguing that they just cry out for reincarnation in the real world. As such, here are 13 prime examples of Breaking Bad tie-ins that we'd love to see brought to life. Just imagine the fat stacks...