Breaking Bad: 5 Major Things To Consider For The Finale

By Richard Church /

With Breaking Bad's final episode looming over the horizon, there are several things to consider as we head into it. This season has so far given us several hints of how things will end for Walter White, but it's amazing to think we still have no idea how it will all end. All too often we've seen disappointing show finales leaving unanswered questions, such as The Sopranos, or simply not offering a grand enough resolution - like Lost, Dexter, and a seemingly endless collection of other beloved shows, but confidence is high that Breaking Bad can hit the targets of their own finale, and give us all the spectacle we crave. For Breaking Bad, the most pertinent and popular questions seem to relate somewhat typically to who is going to live or die, but, while that is a significant topic, there are several other questions people want answers to, questions which have been hinted at in the past. So let's take a look at five things to consider before next week's finale. Naturally, if you haven't seen the entire show up to this point, there will be spoilers discussed - but then you shouldn't be looking ahead to the finale anyway, should you?!

5. What Becomes Of Brock?

You have to admit, this kid has gotten it hard. First his uncle is murdered, then he gets poisoned by Walter, his father figure Jesse leaves him and now his mother has been gunned down on their doorstep. Things have not been going well for poor Brock. His future may not be one of the bigger questions people are asking about, but it's a huge loose end which needs to be tied up. Brock has been orphaned, and for the series to just leave him like that without addressing it is a very bleak outlook for his childhood. Whether or not he ends up in foster care or Jesse survives to take him in himself obviously remains to be seen, but I not only hope his fate will be addressed but he also gets a happy ending considering all he's been put through.