Breaking Bad: 5 Major Things To Consider For The Finale

4. Todd & Lydia

Breaking Bad Todd Lydia Todd's developing crush on Lydia has grown to stalker-level. In their meeting in 'Granite State,' he dressed as if the meeting were a date instead of a talk to lie low. He desperately wants to impress her and seem like a man who gets the job done, boasting how well he scared a mother and her young baby. There was also one little bit at the end of the meeting where Todd removes a hair or fluff from Lydia's back, something a close friend or significant other would do, rather than a business contact. I think this further shows Todd's lack of boundaries when around Lydia. Many fans assume Lydia will be one of the finale's casualties, being killed by Walter or perhaps finally getting caught by the DEA. I think another option remains though €“ what if Lydia is killed not by Walter, but by a spurned suitor? I'm sure Lydia would think having a creepy, meth making, neo-Nazi as a boyfriend is less than ideal, so what if Todd takes his advances one step too far? And what if he gets very angry when he's shot down and in the heat of the moment does something very drastic? It seems to me Lydia might be in over her head just as much as Walt was when dealing with Jack and his Aryan crew.
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Richard Church has a Bachelor of Arts in English and a diploma in Television Writing and Producing. He is an aspiring writer for short stories, novels and screenplays. He is also an avid fan of comic books and graphic novels.