Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 10 Most Hated Supporting Characters

The not so noice guys of Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

By Scott Banner /

The eighth and final season of Brooklyn Nine-Nine is creeping up quickly, and fans are understandably devastated. After fighting to save the show from cancellation once before, the end is finally in sight.


Since the pilot dropped in 2013, the show has become one of the most beloved American sitcoms on TV. It is up there with the likes of Friends, The Office, and Parks and Rec, and one of the main reasons why is the characters. Jake, Amy, Boyle, Terry, Rosa, Gina, Holt, and of course Hitchcock and Scully make up the perfect cast of goofy and loveable characters.

However, this certainly doesn't mean that every single character is as likeable and endearing as the main cast. There have been many that have walked through the doors of the Nine-Nine and have become hated by the fans watching. In most instances this is how they were supposed to be received, and there's no denying the show got their wish with these ten characters.

Despite Jake and co. going toe to toe with criminals on a daily basis, some of the most hated characters in the show are either cops, or in some cases, the fathers or ex-wives of cops...

10. Eleanor Horstweil

Until he met Genevieve, Charles Boyle had never had much luck with women. Though he had a sexual relationship with Gina their parents being together made it weird, Vivan wanted to move to Canada, and he struck out entirely with Rosa. His worst romantic entanglement however, was with Eleanor.


She may have let Charles live in her basement after their divorce, but she was a cruel woman. She didn't smile on their wedding pictures, she said "I suppose" instead of "I do", in the divorce she took the house, both cars, and 85% of Charles' salary, and she even drew up a contract that legally put her in possession of Charles' dignity.

Her only actual appearance in the show came when Charles and Genevieve wanted a baby. Since he was sterile he was forced to withdraw the sperm he froze when Eleanor made him have a vasectomy, but since the account was in her name, she withdrew it all to blackmail him into intimidating the 90 year old priest she hit with her car to not sue her.

During their negotiations, she dumped half of Charles' sperm down the garbage disposal before Charles realised he didn't have to jump through her hoops anymore. It's easy to see why he referred to her as the destroyer of worlds, though it's less clear why he married her in the first place.
