Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Every Halloween Heist RANKED!

Grab your 'stumes and get ready for the spoOoOokiest list of the year!

By Patch Huish /

As October rolls in and the ghosts and ghouls of the world make their preparations for the 31st, it's the perfect time to take a look back at the 99th Precinct's spooktacular Halloween Heists. An annual tradition, Brooklyn Nine-Nine dedicates an episode to a Halloween-themed heist game every single season. They started off as Jake's personal ploy to get back at Captain Holt, but soon expanded to involve the entire squad.


The goal is simple: to sneak into a secure location within the precinct and steal an important object of sentimental and/or symbolic value. Whoever pulls it off is crowned the winner, and gets to laud it over the rest of the squad. Some, like Jake, are fiendishly competitive and spend all year planning out their path to victory. Others, like Terry, are reluctant to even participate ("heists are dumb!").

These heists are consistently praised as some of the best and most inventive of the show, and every fan looks forward to them for good reason. They're filled with hilarious jokes, memorable moments, and fiendishly complex plots filled with classic double-crosses, betrayals, and twists. But which heist offered the greatest thrills, spills, and scares? Who is the ultimate detective/genius? Read on to find out! You have until midnight...

7. Valloweaster (Season 7 Episode 11)

Season 7's heist episode is a valiant effort that sadly can't hope to live up to previous offerings, thanks to an over-reliance on gimmicks and a number of scenes that give off an unfortunate sense of deja-vu.


The first gimmick is that this heist takes place across three holidays (Halloween, Valentine's Day, and Easter) which is a neat idea in theory but sadly doesn't add much. The same is true of the second gimmick, which involves the squad being paired off and handcuffed together, a premise with tons of potential for slapstick comedy which is unfortunately not capitalised on.

The objective of this year's heist is to steal three gems from the Infinitude Gobbler, a knockoff of Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet that Jake bought from Russian eBay. While funny, this feels a bit random and impersonal compared to previous heist trophies.

This general sense of being underwhelmed continues throughout the episode, and while the twists and turns are clever enough, they're fairly predictable as many feel similar to past heists. The main problem with this heist is that it feels uninspired, and lacks the emphasis on character that previous Halloween Heists weaved into their intricate plots so expertly. It's still a fun watch for fans, but it deserves no higher than last place.
