Daredevil Season 3: 8 Things That Must Happen

Just give us Bullseye already!

By Christian Bone /

It is not for nothing that Daredevil has become arguably the most acclaimed superhero TV series around at the moment. The first season knew just what the viewers wanted, delivering a tight, exciting drama that was grounded in real life as well as being unafraid to show its comic book roots. The second season had a lot to live up to, then, but - though reviews were a little more mixed - most are of the opinion that it manages to reach the heights of the first.


Although Season 3 is some way off yet, there are a lot of things that need to happen when it does come around (and plenty of time to speculate, since it's now not expected until 2018). Certainly, season two built on the first by giving us even more of the things that fans were craving - the Punisher, Elektra, the Hand, even some surprise appearances from the Kingpin - but there are still a few things that we can't wait to see on the show, as well as some elements we really want them to follow up on in season three.

With that in mind, let's take a look at some things that have to happen when Daredevil eventually returns.
