Doctor Who: 8 Minisodes We Could See In 2014

Given that it will be eight months before we see Peter Capaldi's first episode, it's a fair bet we will see a few minisodes before then.

By Mark White /

'The Time of the Doctor' underwhelmed, and 'The Day of the Doctor' divided. But if there's one thing we can agree on about the fiftieth anniversary year, it's that Paul McGann made one hell of a rip-roaring comeback. 'The Night of the Doctor' proved not only that minisodes can be unpredictable, welcome surprises, but that they can develop characters, bridge gaps in the narrative and reward fans with nostalgic references. Whilst we probably won't get an Eighth Doctor spin-off any time soon, Steven Moffat hinted that we'd definitely see more minisodes, when he gleefully announced, "You can count on us doing something like that again, but we won't tell you when!" Given that it will be eight months before we see Peter Capaldi's first episode, that's reassuring for us Who fans; it's a long old hiatus, and a pit-stop every now and again - even it is only a few minutes long - ignites our imaginations about this what's around the corner in this magical show. So, given that a minisode might land any time between now and Series 8 beginning, what could we possibly see? Here are eight possibilities, but what would you like to see in a minisode? Read on and comment below...