Doctor Who: Day Of The Doctor Trailer Analysis

By JG Moore /

Whovian nerd rage has been steadily climbing towards critical mass in recent months thanks to the continued lack of a trailer for Day Of The Doctor. Which was only compounded by the fact that an exclusive trailer was shown at Comic-Con in San Diego several months ago in what was a bit of a d*ck move to the fans who didn't have the will or the money to spend several months rent on flying to America. But I digress. Eventually fans were sated when the trailer for Day Of The Doctor arrived a fortnight before the 50th Anniversary. After being leaked online the night before. But the BBC managed to get on over on whoever leaked it by airing an extended trailer on BBC One. And it's that trailer that we're analysing today. Geronimo... We start with some generic establishing shots of the Eleventh Doctor and Clara in the Tardis and in the gallery from the Elizabeth's Credentials teaser as the Eleventh Doctor talk about his many lives and the one he's tried to forget. This one's nice and simple and clearly a reference to the Hurt Doctor. Then wham! Right into the action with a colossal fleet of Dalek ships attacking what is presumably Gallifrey and shooting out what look like smaller Dalek attack ships that we got a closer look at in the shorter trailer. This is followed by an excellent CG shot of the Capitol on Gallifrey, looking in even worse shape than when we saw it in The End Of Time. Which is technically a continuity error but sod it, it's cool enough to get away with it. Explosions galore as we see what looks like Time Lord soldiers battling Daleks. Where they are is not entirely clear but the Daleks ripping Gallifrey apart would be an excellent sequence. Time Lords walking somewhere (I think). Maybe to an emergency war meeting. Could we see Rassilon again? If we do, then it's either another Regeneration or Timothy Dalton has done an astounding job keeping quiet about it. Or maybe even a Third Romana could crop up.