Doctor Who: A Retrospective Of The Anniversary Year (Part 2)

By Baz Greenland /

I recently posted Doctor Who: A Retrospective of the 50th anniversary Year Part 1. In this article are Clara's tenure on the Tardis in series 7b, the discovery of long lost episodes, a change in executive producer, Matt Smith's departure, Peter Capaldi's announcement and the general speculation that ran throughout the celebration year. I was all set to release part 2 in a couple of weeks. I bought my cinema tickets for the 3D screening of 'Day Of The Doctor'. I started listening to the excellent Big Finish audio 'The Light At The End'. I was all geared up to review the entire month of celebrations But then something happened on Thursday. An absolute doozy of an event. An event that showed that there the 50th anniversary was capable of big surprises well ahead of the 23rd November. We had a new on screen adventure of the Eighth Doctor!Have you watched it again? (You should!) And then once more to check that it's as good as you thought (it is). Oh so, because there's still much to talk about before 'Day Of The Doctor and An Adventure In Space And Time, let's carry on my retrospective of Doctor Who's 50th anniversary year...

The Trailers!

I think we all started November quietly optimistic. The 50th special was coming. Better still, we could see it in the cinema. In 3D! There were some great pics being released and the buzz was really starting to go round about Mark Gatiss's An Adventure In Space And Time. And we were finally starting to hear about a few other treats coming our way. Here in the UK we had Brian Cox presenting 'The Science Of Doctor Who' and Children In Need was sure to reveal something. But what fans really wanted was a trailer. Personally I was in two minds. Yes, I wanted a glimpse of what I would be watching on the 23rd November. But I also liked that it was all relatively quiet on the 50th front in terms of spoilerific videos and images. I immediately threw that thought out on the window when the BBC released not one , but two trailers! The time war! The Doctors comparing sonic screwdrivers. 'You've' redecorated!'. Zygons! Daleks! Gallifrey! Doctors Ten and Eleven (or is it now Eleven and Twelve) being generally awesome! John Hurt being all mysterious. I love the fact that it still doesn't really give away the plot, except to show that there will be at least some focus on the Time War...and considering how climatic an event that is in the history of Doctor Who, how could it not be? And is it just me, but what is going on with Rose? This isn't the companion we've seen before and all her scenes are with John Hurt. I have my own theories... What these trailers did were deliver on our expectations that the special was generally going to be awesome. Or at least it looks that way. It won't be long enough until we know for sure.