Doctor Who: 10 Behind The Scenes Decisions We Can't Forgive

Moffat, you owe the Weeping Angels an apology.

By Danny Meegan /

Even though Doctor Who is basically the best thing since sliced bread, most fans will agree that the creators of the show don't always have a good day at the office.


Yes, making TV on this scale is obviously a really hard thing to do, and the people involved will always have our respect for the amount of work that they put in to Doctor Who. But we're allowed to criticise the show when we feel like it's warranted, and on that note, not every decision that the writers, showrunners, producers, or even the BBC as a whole have made has been a good one.

Whether it's a major gaffe like ruining a character or spoiling a huge plot twist, or even something small - like how the show is scheduled - it's hard to look at these choices and not feel disappointed, confused, or angry - or sometimes, all three.

Granted, this is a show about a floppy-haired alien in a magic box, so let's not act like any of this stuff is the end of the world (or the universe). Still though, if we were in charge... we would've turned left instead of right when making these decisions.

10. Cancelling Doctor Who Confidential

When Doctor Who returned in 2005, it was accompanied by a behind-the-scenes programme called Doctor Who Confidential, a "making of" series that delved into the production of each main episode of the show.


Confidential was utterly fascinating to watch, giving us a meaty half-hour dive into the costumes, the stunts, the music, the locations, and everything else in-between. And since it was usually broadcast immediately after Doctor Who had finished, a lot of fans got into the habit of watching the main show, then quickly flipping over to Confidential. It almost became a ritual, something that all Doctor Who fans just did.

As a result, it was a dark, dark day when Confidential was binned off in 2011, purely to cut costs. Fans were upset and disheartened, petitions were formed, and even notable Doctor Who creatives like star Matt Smith (plus writers Neil Gaiman, Tom MacRae and Steven Moffat) were vocal in their disappointment over the BBC's decision.

While the BBC did continue to produce behind-the-scenes content for Doctor Who (such as Doctor Who Extra in the Capaldi era, and Access All Areas for Series 11) these shows were nowhere near as in-depth or interesting as Confidential was, and for Series 12, we got nothing besides a few short and lacklustre YouTube videos.
