Doctor Who: 10 Episodes That Should Have Changed Things Forever (But Didn't)

Those times when Doctor Who was guilty of dropping massively game-changing revelations at the drop of a hat.

By David Hooks /

In Michael Kmet€™s interesting and fun article on Star Trek he investigated the times when new technology or events, which should have been carried over, were left dangling like threads on a too-old t-shirt. That got us thinking, is Doctor Who guilty of the same crimes against story telling? Have there, over the 50 years of the show, been episodes where something momentous happens only to be forgotten about the next week? Well of course there have. Sometimes even within the same story! How often did we see a cliff-hanger situation altered slightly at the beginning of the next episode just to make the situation seem less impossible? Here we will cover episodes of this nature as well as ones where, had the Doctor made a slightly different call, the future would have been radically different. It must be caveated in advance that we will cover mainly the newer episodes of Doctor Who since there are just so many from Classic Who to go through we would be here for days. So does your memory stretch back further than this mid-30€™s wannabe Whovian? Can you recall older episodes that should have been included? Please educate us young whipper-snappers in the comments section and give the younger audience some suggestions of Classic Who that isn€™t to be missed.