Doctor Who: 10 Female Doctors That Might Actually Happen

It could happen sooner than you think.

By Joel Cornah /

Sidney Newman, co-creator of Doctor Who, called for a female Doctor. Patrick Troughton, the Second Doctor, called for a female Doctor. Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Carole Ann Ford, Louise Jameson, Freema Agyeman, Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and now Steven Moffat have all called for a female Doctor. It may seem a bit early to be re-casting the wonderful Peter Capaldi (long may he reign) but the Doctor Who fandom is all about speculation. Before Capaldi was announced, the WhovianFeminism blog listed no less than FORTY potential actresses to take the roll. Now with Moffat's own admission in recent interviews, thinking of candidates for a female Doctor is just the thing to do. So, here's a list of potential actresses to take the role but only ones the BBC could actually afford have been included. This means the likes of Tilda Swinton, Keira Knightly and Helen Mirren are off limits because if they were the Doctor, poor old BBC Wales would have to go without catering, CGI monsters and wobbly sets for a while... With that in mind, here are some actresses who fans might actually see step into the TARDIS.