Doctor Who: 10 Most Underwhelming Villains Ever

By Melanie L. Schmocker /


Doctor Who has introduced many people to the scariest monsters and villains they've ever heard of. The Daleks, obviously, in the first non-Earth adventure and many since, and more recently, the Vashta Nerada or the Weeping Angels. However, not all villains live up to this expectation of terror.

Here are the top ten flops €“ the least impressive villains the Doctor has run across.


10. House

What Whovian doesn't remember the intelligent planet that lured the Doctor out of the universe to a closely connected one. House, that planet, facilitated the TARDIS's venture into a failing human body and spoke in a creepy voice. He made threats. He messed with Amy's mind a lot. However, compared with the various threats throughout the episode, House was about as scary as the certain death the characters faced if they could not return to their own universe. House, unfortunately, was overshadowed by the patchwork people he had created, the Doctor's anger at the fake distress signal he'd received, and of course the spectacular moments when the TARDIS and the Doctor had real conversations. It doesn't help that all of the names were generic. House, the place where people live. Auntie and Uncle, apparently human adults. Nephew, an Ood. (Admittedly, that is still more distinctive than any other Ood name.) There is no iconic picture of House that can scare fans. However, if House had been encountered in any other situation, he may have been scary, or at least intriguing.