Doctor Who: 10 Predictions For Series 9's Mystery Writer

Is Russell T Davies finally returning?

By Luke Williams /

While everybody wants to see Douglas Adams return from the grave to pen another episode or thirty, there are plenty of slightly more feasible possibilities which would be just as good and almost as ground-breaking and exciting to see in the new series. Everybody€™s trying to get on the Doctor Who train, especially those scattered throughout its 52 year history who tried before and got rejected, or who wrote before and haven€™t again. All of these people would make brilliant reveals for Episode 10's mystery writer which has been teased, since it would send the fans into hyperventilated frenzies. What the new series desperately needs is Classic Who writers, and what the hardcore fans generally want is more Classic Who related stuff. Like a fine whisky, the longer the wait, the better the pay off, so that would be the best thing to announce. However, the chance of that happening by now is so low that it€™s almost evaporated entirely under the heat of the Earth's core. It doesn't hurt to dream, though, and to wave your arms wildly trying to get noticed by the BBC to get them to dig up their old address book, blow the dust off the names in there and call them. And in that spirit...
