Doctor Who: 10 Reasons Last Christmas Is Probably The Best Special Yet

Last Christmas was a dream.

By Dan Butler /

Everybody seems to be talking about this year's Doctor Who Christmas Special, Last Christmas, and this time it's for all the right reasons. The episode's intriguing premise, glittering guest stars and the inclusion of Santa Claus himself made it an unmissable and entertaining escapade which deservedly served as the coveted centrepiece of the BBC's seasonal schedule. Over 6 million people tuned in for what turned out to be one of the Doctor's most incredible adventures to date and it already looks like it'll be going down in Doctor Who history as one of his most popular, too. The series continues to push the boundaries and explore new realms and worlds and with Peter Capaldi in role as the titular Time Lord, the only way is up. Before fans turn their attention to his upcoming ventures that are on the way in 2015, let's take a moment to appreciate Last Christmas in all its yuletide glory. It was an episode which managed to make the nation terrified of dreams and crabs but that's not all it's got going for it. In fact, here are 10 reasons why Last Christmas might just be the greatest Doctor Who Christmas Special to date - and no, you're not dreaming!
