Doctor Who: 10 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Skip The 9th Doctor

By Chelsea Hogarth /

If you€™re a user of practically any social media site or group with a large Whovian population, you will have undoubtedly heard this old adage wailed from the hearts and mouths of devoted fans: €œDON€™T SKIP NINE!€ It€™s aimed particularly at those just starting to get into the series, and admittedly when I first began watching the programme, my twelve year old self felt the temptation not to sit through any of the first series of the reboot - starring Christopher Eccleston as the Lord of Time himself. David Tennant was just so funny, so eccentric, he had such gravity-defying hair and WOW, he was good looking! But when I did go back and start from the 2005 series, I was in awe. Sure, Nine was different, but there were so many positives about his portrayal of the Doctor. Here, in no particular order, is a list of reasons why the Ninth Doctor€™s series should be mandatory viewing for any keen Whovian (does contain spoilers):