Doctor Who: 10 Similarities Between The Classic And Revived Series

They're not so different after all.

By Andrix Lim /

The ten year anniversary of the revived Doctor Who series has brought us five Doctors, new and old companions and enemies and fantastic overarching storylines. It'S become increasingly popular in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Australasia, breathing new life into a show that has lasted for 51 years and still going strong. Of course, fans of the new series and purists who stick to the old may constantly butt heads, the latter pointing to its legacy and humble beginnings in 1963 and the wealth of spin-off media during the hiatus, while NuWho fans claim superiority through better cinematography, young handsome actors, and the accessibility of media in the age of technology.


While both series have their differences - the role of female actors, the episodic format, and the age of the Doctors spring to mind - the show has always endeavoured to remain the same throughout the years, telling the tale of the alien Time Lord in his blue box that travels through time and space. Despite obvious disparity, it can be seen that Doctor Who, no matter in which medium, has similar storylines and plot devices repeated over the decades.

Still skeptical? Here are 11 similarities between the Classic Doctors and the New.
