The Daleks will kill anything thats different to them, simply because they hate it, but theres more ways to anger them than just to not be them. Throughout the series many characters have got creative in ways to infuriate them. While most enemies will get angry, mixed with some other kind of emotion, the Daleks get double furious. Theres nothing in them except hatred so theyre not particularly complex. They simply become furious then get more and more so until youre dead. At which point theyll get even more furious, just for the sheer hell of it. While there have been non-evil Daleks throughout the series history, they usually end up dead. Because the Daleks are just supposed to be hatred-filled mutants that want to kill everything. When they dont kill you, they tend to kill themselves out of the habit of killing everything they find. Basically the Daleks are full of hatred, and there are so many ways to tickle that. Imagine if when you move, the mere motion of the air around you causes you to collapse on the floor in a heap of shrieking laughter, whereupon the floor tickles you into sheer agony and you get the idea of how sensitive the Daleks are to feeling hatred. Here are ten simple ways to get all up in their grill. You're welcome.