Doctor Who: 10 Things Nu-Who Fans Just Don’t Understand

There's still a lot to learn, folks.

By Wayne Sasuta /

There are many nuances of the Doctor that are confusing for fans, even more so for those that did not see his adventures prior to the series' re-birth nearly 10 years ago. For example, for almost the entirety of the revived series, the Doctor was always a young man, never taking on an older face like many of those in "Classic Who" did. Why was he ashamed of being older? It was implied in the 50th anniversary episode, The Day of the Doctor, that since the War Doctor was an old man when he destroyed Gallifrey, all Doctors after him were trying to distance themselves from him as much as possible, and taking a younger form was a good way, as he was older when the Moment occurred. His redemption in their eyes allowed the Doctor to once again take on an older face with current incarnation Peter Capaldi's Twelfth Doctor. Doctor Who premiered on 23rd November 1963 with an episode titled An Unearthly Child. Since then, the Doctor has been on many adventures throughout his 51 year history through media which have ranged across the realms of television, comics, audio adventures and books. After the original series was cancelled in 1989, however, many viewers felt they would no longer have the ability to watch new episodes of their favourite Time Lord any longer, excluding the one off in 1996 along with a couple of Children in Need mini-episodes in between. That fear was alleviated on 26th March 2005 when Christopher Eccleston came into our lives and the Doctor was back. It was like he had never been away! Doctor Who has a huge international massive following, although most of them are pretty new to the series having joined alongside its 2005 resurrection. If they have, however, they've missed out on a massive part of the show's past and there will no doubt be many things about the show that they have warped views on. Today, this list takes a look at the top 10 things that the fans of the current series just don't understand.