Doctor Who: 10 Time Periods We’d Love Them To Visit

By James Alexander Allen /

Apparently, Doctor Who was originally conceived as a largely historical show for children. The TARDIS would travel to different places and times, and show some interesting stuff about them. Hence, the early episodes were often devoid of original monsters or aliens. Of course, the introduction of a certain race of giant plunger-wielding pepper pots put paid to that in the long term, and fifty years on, the show is more successful than ever. Yet amazingly, after all this time there are still some historical periods that have yet to be exploited to their full potential in a Doctor Who episode. Now history has always been my favourite subject, and I love a good bit of Who, so naturally I have a few ideas about the direction the series could take with ten different periods in history. So Allons-y!

10. Ancient Greece: 500-400 BC

Narrowly beating the Enlightenment for the first entry, a visit to Sparta or Athens in their prime would be easier to do justice to than other entries on this list. 'The Fires of Pompeii ' proved that Doctor Who can do sword and sandal epics, and the show has never taken us to one of the Greek civilisations before. It would be up to the writers whether to go for the whole topless abs and huge monster approach of Zack Snyder (without the violence!), or a more accurate, muted approach, possibly focusing on the thinkers and uniqueness of Ancient Greek society. It's always interesting to see the Doctor out of his comfort zone, and seeing him react to the macho, Spartan attitudes towards combat could be fun. Similarly, the important role of women in the time would be another possible angle to run with. On an unrelated note, imagine seeing Peter Capaldi's Doctor stride out of the TARDIS and declare "THIS IS SPARTA!"